Surrealist and Macabre Sculpture by Rebecca Stevenson

Surrealist and Macabre Sculpture by Rebecca Stevenson. On:Axisweb Rebecca Stevenson is an artist living and working in London. She is best known for her visceral and baroque sculpture in resin and wax. “My work is concerned with the visceral and the sensual. It draws upon anatomical drawing and botanical illustration, but occupies a liminal territory …

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Kayan Kwok Explores The Souls of Immortals in Time Poster Series

Kayan Kwok Explores The Souls of Immortals in Time Poster Series Hong Kong-based designer Kayan Kwok took the time to study these immortal souls. For years, Kwok has been known for his digital and illustrative collages. He applied this style in his project titled Time, where he literally broke apart historical sculptures and collaged them …

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Sébastien Layral (NSFW)

Sébastien Layral “To give the opportunity to access different points of view through the encounter, this process allows to put into perspective the place of each person, and understand the need for plurality of views. Each person will work on making him or herselves available and allow a path of full access to others. The …

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Human Skeletons Assembled with Found Coral by Gregory Halili

Human Skeletons Assembled with Found Coral by Gregory Halili With parched white pieces of found sea coral, artist Gregory Halili has been creating skeletal parts of the human anatomy from hands and arms all the way up to a lifesize recreation of a human skeleton suspended atop a giant piece of driftwood. The irregular coral segments …

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Bodies & Skulls by James Bareham

  Bodies & Skulls by James Bareham The artist that I show you today is James Bareham, photographer of the New York based creative studio The New Cruelty, as well as the developer of this awesome series of still-life images taken in the exhibition spaces of the famous show “Bodies The Exhibition“.    Photographs taken …

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Anatomical Sculptures by Claude-Olivier

Anatomical Sculptures by Claude-Olivier Guay At the outset, these sculptures by artist Claude-Olivier Guay appear like a jumble of wire and feathers folded into a heap, but each hides a remarkable secret. Working only with a pair of pliers, Guay folds, bends, and twists an inner framework of hidden creatures that dramatically transform with a bit of …

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Anatomical Illustrations by Michael Reedy (Nudity Content)

Anatomical Illustrations by Michael Reedy Michael Reedy has created a beautifully grotesque series of anatomical figure drawings. His ability to use and omit color when needed shows his refined intuition for composure. Michael is technically schooled in anatomy and has been able to artistically render images we would normally see in a science textbook.

Crafts Porcelain Sculptures Inspired By Nature Of Kate McDowell

  Weird Crafts Porcelain Sculptures Inspired by Nature Of Kate McDowell  In her delicate crafted porcelain sculptures conceptual artist Kate McDowell expresses her interpretation of the clash between the natural world and the modern-day environmental impact of industrialized society. The resulting works can be equal parts amusing and disturbing as the anatomical forms of humans …

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Women Dressed In Shadows Of Nature By Emilio Jiménez

Women Dressed In Shadows Of Nature By Emilio Jiménez Instagram Madrid-based Spanish photographer Emilio Jiménez creates stunning visual compositions with his camera. We really love his series “Natural Wild Anatomy” (Anatomía natural, salvaje), where he centers around the nude female body and shadows of nature. With his incredibly artistic eye, Emilio plays with light and …

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