Colorful Architectural Watercolors by Maja Wronska

Maja Wronska
Maja Wronskamaja-1
Maja Wronska

Maja WronskaMaja Wronska
Maja Wronska

Colorful Nw Architectural Watercolors by Maja Wronska

Architect and freelance illustrator Maja Wrońska continues to amaze with her beautifully executed watercolor paintings of iconic cityscapes from around the world. From London and Paris to Prague and even Disney Land, the Polish artist brings a colorful, dreamlike perspective to everything she paints. Wrońska has been extremely active since we first covered her work here back in 2012, see much more on Behance, on DeviantArt .Via: Behance

4 thoughts on “Colorful Architectural Watercolors by Maja Wronska

Artists deserve respect. Even if it bothers you and you don't like their work; refrain from negative opinions, non-constructive remarks. Opt for an objective analysis of the work as well as a good understanding of the author's intentions..Thx