4.5 Million Blue Flowers In Japan’s Hitachi Seaside Park

credits: azure
Image credits: Teerayut Hiruntaraporn
Image credits: Atsushi Motoyama
Image credits: Megu
Image credits: hirocame
Image credits: Ituki Kadiwara
Image credits: Shirunosuke
Image credits: Kota-G
Image credits: Syota Takahashi
Image credits: torne
Nemophila Blooms Hitachi Seaside Park Blue Flowers
Photo credit: Japan Guide
Blue Flowers Bloom in Hitachi Seaside Park in Japan
Photo credit: Hitachi Seaside Park
Nemophila Blooms Hitachi Seaside Park Blue Flowers
Photo credit: nongporjaiatporetege
Nemophila Blooms Hitachi Seaside Park Blue Flowers
Photo credit: Hitachi Seaside Park
Nemophila Blooms Hitachi Seaside Park Blue Flowers
Photo credit: Hitachi Seaside Park
Nemophila Blooms Hitachi Seaside Park Blue Flowers
Photo credit: Hitachi Seaside Park
Nemophila Blooms Hitachi Seaside Park Blue Flowers
Photo credit: mih01016
Nemophila Blooms Hitachi Seaside Park Blue Flowers
Photo credit: Japan Guide
Nemophila Blooms Hitachi Seaside Park Blue Flowers
Photo credit: Japan Guide
Nemophila Blooms Hitachi Seaside Park Blue Flowers
Photo credit: Japan Guide
Nemophila Blooms Hitachi Seaside Park Blue Flowers
Photo credit: Japan Guide
Nemophila Blooms Hitachi Seaside Park Blue Flowers
Photo credit: toshimi310
Nemophila Blooms Hitachi Seaside Park Blue Flowers
Photo credit: Japan Guide

4.5 Million Blue Flowers In Japan’s Hitachi Seaside Park

Hitachi Seaside Park: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube

Blue flowers and blue sky at Hitachi Seaside Park

Taking advantage of the beautiful spring weather, today I visited Hitachi Seaside Park in Ibaraki Prefecture, located northeast of Tokyo in the Kanto Plain. My purpose today was to see the famous blue nemophila flowers which are blooming in the park now.

Nemophila cover the park’s Miharashi Hill with over four million blossoms. On sunny days the blue flowers and blue sky are a charming sight to behold, and I was excited to have the chance to see them. So it seems was the rest of Ibaraki… the park was extremely crowded even on a weekday! Luckily the park is big enough that everyone could still spread out and enjoy the blossoms.

Starting from the seaside entrance, I first headed to Miharashi Hill to see the nemophila. This year, the nemophila are a full two weeks early due to the above-average temperatures during the winter. In average years the flowers bloom from about mid-April through mid-May, but this year the flowers are currently in their best viewing period this week and into this weekend. From next week more and more green will mix in with the blue, and by around Golden Week the green leaves will already be overtaking the blue flowers.

h/t: SoraNews24, Japan Guide,  BoredPanda

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