The Wonderful Works Coloured by Aliza Razell


The Wonderful Works Coloured by Aliza Razell

Aliza Razell is an American artist who has chosen to join the photography to watercolor, giving beautiful explosions of color renderings of his works.
Aliza Razell chose to mix several technical aspects of the art to have a completely unique rendering. It thus links the self-portrait in watercolor with the help of Photoshop, by emphasizing abstract concepts: the photo series “pandora jar” refers to the famous Pandora’s box, the series “Ikävä” (a term Finnish corresponding to the lack of something, or someone) transcribed nostalgia, the lack. Discover the universe at once melancholy and exalted of this artist full of poetry.

8 thoughts on “The Wonderful Works Coloured by Aliza Razell

Artists deserve respect. Even if it bothers you and you don't like their work; refrain from negative opinions, non-constructive remarks. Opt for an objective analysis of the work as well as a good understanding of the author's intentions..Thx