The Shores of Bali Captured in Beautiful Seascapes by Bertoni Siswanto

Bertoni Siswanto

Bertoni Siswanto

Bertoni Siswanto

Bertoni Siswanto

Bertoni Siswanto

Bertoni Siswanto

Bertoni Siswanto

Bertoni Siswanto

Bertoni Siswanto

Bertoni Siswanto

The Shores of Bali Captured in Beautiful Seascapes by Bertoni Siswanto

Beautiful Sea Landscape photography by DENPASAR, BALI, INDONESIA based photographer Bertoni Siswanto

If someone told you to picture a tropical paradise then you’d probably start thinking of coral reefs, crystal clear water, white sand and beautiful weather. Bali has all of that and more as you’ll see in these beautiful seascapes by photographer Bertoni Siswanto.

By capturing the surrounding ocean and landscapes at dusk the tranquility of the small Indonesian island is enhanced, with the ocean and the sky reflecting each other to create a beautiful array of pinks, oranges, purples and blues.

Source: 500px

14 thoughts on “The Shores of Bali Captured in Beautiful Seascapes by Bertoni Siswanto

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