IN-SHADOW – This impressive short film is a violent criticism against capitalism


in-shadow-a-modern-odyssey-6in-shadow-a-modern-odyssey-8in-shadow-a-modern-odyssey-4in-shadow-a-modern-odyssey-1in-shadow-a-modern-odyssey-9in-shadow-a-modern-odyssey-3in-shadow-a-modern-odyssey-7in-shadow-a-modern-odyssey-10in-shadow-a-modern-odyssey-5in-shadow-a-modern-odyssey-2IN-SHADOW: A Modern Odyssey is an impressive short film, which paints a dark and satirical portrait of our modern society. During 13 minutes, this short film directed by Lubomir Arsov connects symbols and metaphors, attacking with rare power the excesses of capitalism, from the fashion industry to social networks through the world of finance and finance. policy. Embark on a visionary journey through the fragmented subconscious of the West and bravely face the Shadow. From the shadow to the light. Simply magnificent.

11 thoughts on “IN-SHADOW – This impressive short film is a violent criticism against capitalism

  1. Wow! I recognized themes in this from some drawings I did even just today! The art and music made the messages clear without even needing words. Thank you for sharing it!

    Liked by 1 person

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  3. Pingback: IN-SHADOW – This impressive short film is a violent criticism against capitalism – worldtraveller70

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