Intricate Wooden City Sculptures by James McNabb



Intricate Wooden City Sculptures by James McNabb

Philadelphia-based artist  James McNabb (furniture-maker-turned-sculptor) has created the City Series, an amazing collection of wooden sculptures, composed of miniature buildings, skyscrapers and architectural forms that depict intricate cityscapes.

The wooden skyscrapers, made in different shapes and sizes, look remarkably like the Manhattan skyline in New York City.

Each piece depicts the outsider’s perspective of the urban landscape. Made entirely of scrap wood, this work is an interpretation of making something out of nothing. Each piece is cut intuitively on a band saw. The result is a collection of architectural forms, each distinctly different from the next.

‘I grabbed a piece of scrap wood from the bin, and without thinking, made some cuts. In a few minutes the piece started to look strangely familiar, like a screwdriver or a mini skyscraper. I grabbed another piece of scrap wood, and made another object – this time, it looked like wrench, or a table leg. In the next hour I made 15 more – I stayed up that night and worked until morning. In 24 hours I made more than 200, all intricately different from the next.”

Watch the video:



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9 thoughts on “Intricate Wooden City Sculptures by James McNabb

  1. Oh no, I am in the uncomfortable position of recognizing that something took a vast amount of effort to create but I find it, dare I say it, boring. Perhaps, it needs more colour or to be made out of reclaimed wood!!


    1. Emma,

      I hear your point of view, and I do not want you to change your mind!
      I will try to clear up this ugly cloud!

      You like colors and you are a specialist in this field.

      This artist is a young and modern sculptor.
      Some of the trends in design youth are strongly minimalist.
      Especially in colors that are bland or monotonous.

      Moreover, he is only interested in forms in space, therefore in geometry; straight lines, perpendicularity and abstraction.
      In any case modern architecture is often boring; because she has no frills, nor vivid tones.

      Working in a raw concept optics where colors are excluded so he kept the natural shade of wood. The result is like the as perspective drawings sketches, in three-dimensions.

      His creations are unfinished voluntarily.
      Work in progress has been in fashion for a few years now;
      they are just wood maquettes.

      I do not like the waste of nature product.
      He used scrap wood.

      I appreciate colorful things; but I imagine very badly, his work in color; this would remove the pure side of architectural lines.
      His achievements are only projective geometry.

      Put yourself in a more comfortable position, and make beautiful living paintings.

      I still have a lot of artists much worse and much better.
      I will publish them all: expect shock!

      See you soon

      Liked by 1 person

Artists deserve respect. Even if it bothers you and you don't like their work; refrain from negative opinions, non-constructive remarks. Opt for an objective analysis of the work as well as a good understanding of the author's intentions..Thx