Federico Babina Create Awesome Posters Illustrating The Houses Of Famous Writers Universe

Federico Babina Create Posters Illustrating The Houses Of Famous Writers Universe


Federico Babina is an Italian architect and illustrator. Through this project, he showed the houses of great authors, classical or contemporary, of the world : Kerouac, Orwell, Shakespeare, Camus, Kundera, Auster or Bukowski and Fante. Each illustrated house features a shape echoing with the universe of the writer : Asimov’s house is futuristic, Tolstoy’s one takes the Russian architecture and Auster’s is made of New-York skyscrapers. In each house, we can also read a famous quote for each author.

2 thoughts on “Federico Babina Create Awesome Posters Illustrating The Houses Of Famous Writers Universe

Artists deserve respect. Even if it bothers you and you don't like their work; refrain from negative opinions, non-constructive remarks. Opt for an objective analysis of the work as well as a good understanding of the author's intentions..Thx